Saddle Fitting Advice

When buying a new saddle your saddle fitter should at least
- Make a template of your horses back to use for comparison when considering if and where your horse has changed shape
- Assess the horse both static and ridden
- Make appropriate adjustments to the saddle changing the gullet plate if it is required and or adjusting the wool flocking to fine-tune the fitting.
To maintain and optimize the fitting of your new saddle we recommend that you MUST follow the below guidelines
- After the initial fitting, the saddle should be checked and adjusted, within 30 days of first use
- At GFS we recognized that any wool filled panel settles the most in this period and will require some wool addition - adjustment to rebalance on your horse
- Within 8- 12 weeks from first use, a second check should take place
- At GFS we recognize that is likely that the most change in your horse’s shape will happen within this period
- Using the various options available to them your GFS saddle fitter should AGAIN fine-tune your saddle so as to maintain the balance of your saddle and the comfort of your horse
- After this second check we recommend that the saddle should be checked
- Six months after first use
- Every six months after that
- We recommend that at any stage if an adjustment is made the saddle fitter takes a template for future reference
If Approved GFS saddle fitters are used and this Fit maintenance programme is followed most fit related problems should be avoided
All fitting adjustments made should be in accordance with our recommendations
This is why we recommend using an Approved GFS dealer who are familiar with our products
You should NOT use an Unapproved third party as this will invalidate your warranty